On 14.07.2012 01:32, Adam Bishop wrote:
> Google also supply RPM's directly. See
> https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/?hl=en&platform=linux
> IIRC Chrome statically links a lot of its dependancies, so there's a
> strong chance that the Fedora/OpenSUSE build will just work.

Yes, the official Chrome RPM for Fedora will work on RHEL6.

I tried packaging the open source Chromium for EL6, but it's a real 
pain in the butt.
I remember there was some quarrel some years ago between RPM packagers 
and Chrome/chromium devs over how non-linux friendly the software was 
put together. Not sure how much that has improved.

Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!
