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On 06/07/12 15:55, Tom H wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Anne Wilson
> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> On 06/07/12 14:08, Mark Stodola wrote:
>>> On 07/06/2012 04:06 AM, Anne Wilson wrote: Logwatch on my
>>> laptop tells me
>>> Listed by source hosts: Dropped 30 packets on interface eth0
>>> From - 30 packets to tcp(38575)
>>> is a mail/file/print server running SL.  It may
>>> also be relevant that the laptop has fstab mounts to data areas
>>> on the server.
>>> I feel that there must be some way I can trace what is
>>> actually sending those packets, so that I can make an
>>> assessment, but I've no idea how/where to look.  I see that
>>> it's an unallocated address, so I've no pointer at all.
>>> Where should I start looking?
>>> Anne
>>> If the connection is still active, you can use a combination
>>> of 'netstat -na' and/or 'lsof -nP -i4' to find the process
>>> owning the connection. If it isn't, it will be difficult to
>>> track down without fancier logging/capturing tools.  You
>>> mentioned remote mounts, but not what method (CIFS, NFS, etc).
>>> If it is NFS, pseudo-random ports are chosen for the client
>>> connections and may be your culprit.
>> It is indeed NFS.  The logs show ~6 of these high-number
>> allocated ports listening, so you could well be right.  Is there
>> any way to confirm that?  I have several nfs mounts in fstab.
>> One for each mount probably explains it.
> If it's ifs, you can set the ports to known values through 
> "/etc/sysconfig/nfs" and then see whether it's one of these ports 
> that's used.

OK - I had left the defaults, which it does say is random for the
outgoing port.  I've restarted nfs, now I have to wait until Saturday
morning, to see whether tomorrow's log is clean :-)

Thanks for all the help - I'll report back.

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