>Is there any definitive list of services that need to stay on on server
>in graphics mode?
Right now when I get a new server, I first disable all services
chkconfig --list | awk '{print "chkconfig --level 12345 "$1" off"}'|sh
And then I enable these ones:

chkconfig --level 1235 acpid on
chkconfig --level 1235 auditd on
chkconfig --level 1235 atd on
chkconfig --level 1235 crond on
chkconfig --level 1235 dnsmasq on
chkconfig --level 1235 irqbalance on
chkconfig --level 1235 iscsi on
chkconfig --level 1235 scsid on
chkconfig --level 1235 libvirt-guests on
chkconfig --level 1235 libvirtd on
chkconfig --level 1235 lvm2-monitor on
chkconfig --level 1235 network on
chkconfig --level 1235 rsyslog on
chkconfig --level 1235 sshd on
chkconfig --level 1235 vncserver on
chkconfig --level 1235 virt-who on
chkconfig --level 1235 udev-post on

But I cannot ever start in graphics mode (init 5). What am I missing here?
Note: I don't need firewall, selinux, etc. Just the minimum services for a
