On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 6:47 PM, zxq9 <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> On 07/11/2012 08:03 PM, Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> Just helped a guy out in the slforum IRC yesterday with this same problem on
> SL 6.1 (nVidia graphics on his system -- the graphics drivers aren't the
> issue). The resolution was a downgrade.

I just pulled the latest set of updates with all the drivers on my Machine B.

Rebooted and once trying to start X the KDE loading screen just flickered and
flickered (as in the actual MONITOR was flickering on and off).  When I returned
to it later it had bombed out back to the login screen.

Tried yum --downgrading the xserver, but wasn't having it.

Tried yum --downgrading ALL the 47 just-installed updated packages but
it complained that only upgrading was allowed.

Had to manually download each of the 47 base OS rpms (thank goodness
for tab-complete in lftp!) and then do an rpm -ivh --force --nodeps *.rpm

Rebooting and now working off the original OS packages.  (Indicentally, I
discovered this problematic Machine B is actually running SL6.0, whereas the
OK Machine A was on 6.2)

> The specific problem in the xorg log was that the evdev input module
> couldn't load because of a version mismatch. There may be other mismatches,
> but that was the point xorg gave up.
> Whenever the graphics drivers load first GDM will display but no input is
> possible, if the graphics is scheduled after evdev then x won't give you a
> graphical indication that anything is moving.

Pat, does the evdev bit above give you a clue as what else might need
to be recompiled/updated?
