On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 6:11 AM, Mike Zanker <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
On 07/06/2012 10:59, Tom H wrote:

I no longer use CentOS but I *think* that this was remedied through
the creation of a "Continuous Release" ("CR") repo.

Yes, that's pretty much correct.

However, if timely updates are essential, you really should be considering upstream.



Timely updates, in my professional experience, are hindered much more by local patch policies than by the small delay between our favorite upstream vendor's updates and Scientific Linux's release process. The delay in CentOS a few years ago was precisely why I found out about and hopped ove rto Scientific Linux: the friendly and effective community, the visibility into the software building process, and the willingness to include amazingly useful add-ons like the EPEL and Reporforge and ATrpms yum configurations are all compelling reasons to stick around.
I understand why our favorite vendor can't include those hooks to 3rd party repositories, but they're necessary for me to get work done with this basic OS. Nagios hooks and updated Subversion releases are necessary fo rme. (Heck, I'm *publishing* the Subversion RPM's to Repoforge!!)