What makes you think you need a custom kernel?

I have a machine running XFS with the stock kernel.

[adamb@skeletor ~]$ cat /etc/issue
Scientific Linux release 6.1 (Carbon)

[adamb@skeletor ~]$ cat /etc/fstab

UUID=601f4a9a-8d68-4691-8a7a-3082cb367cc6 /var                    xfs     defaults        1 2

Is there a specific feature of XFS you need that is unsupported?

Adam Bishop
Janet, the UK’s education and research network

On 23 Jun 2012, at 17:26, Fernando Andrés Muñoz Bravo wrote:

> Hi all
> I have a laptop where I've installed SL 6.2. No problem at this time.
> Now, I need to enable support to XFS filesystem, therefore a custom kernel must be compiled.
> My question is: What kernel can I use, or is "better": Oficial from RHEL sources and SL, or sources from kernel.org? I would like to read your advices :)

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