On 06/16/2012 07:24 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> It really sounds like you want a better fax *client*.

Exactly.  If you missed that in my original question, I am going
to have to seriously work on my technical writing.  :'(

> Hop over to the HylaFAX mailing list for help with that.

That would be


Have it bookmarked.  "fax4CUPS" is over there and it is
useless.  "Print to fax" is a dead link.  "VMFP" seems
interesting, but there web site does not have a manual
posted.  (Or one I can find.  That practice is so, so annoying!)

> And if you think replacing it with CUPS would make it better...

At this point, as long as it works.  I want to print to
fax.  Not, print to PDF (what Hylafax now supports PDF?
and when did it actually start working?), import to evince,
export to post script, import to fax client, yada, yada,

> Look up Eric Raymond's essay, "The Luxury of Ignorance".

At the moment I am so butt faced busy I can not see straight.
If you would be of a mind, would you make a quick few lines
as to what you wanted me to see?

Thank you for the input,