zxq9 wrote on 6/13/2012 12:32 AM:
> On 06/13/2012 06:44 AM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
>> (On this list, are we really required to say "TUV" instead of "***censored***",
>> as if we were playing a 1984 double-speak live action game?)
> Yes, because lawyers have made even casual conversation a legal minefield for
> reasons other than getting disappeared by the Thought Police.
> Pretty much anything trademarked, burdened by customer guarantees of any sort,
> or otherwise encumbered in any way should be referred to obliquely on this list.
> This sounds silly, I know, but the reason is that the labs who support this
> project don't have the bandwidth or the desire to even open a conversation about
> how to open a proper, legal, trade protections unencumbered conversation, and to
> that end terms like "TUV" are used around here.
> Not that TUV is a bad player -- *far* from it -- but why even open the door in
> case the wind starts blowing the other way?

Could someone who maintains this list (Connie? Pat?) please confirm or deny
this seemingly absurd policy!

I have not searched the archives of this list, but of the 1824 messages I
have saved locally over the years, for one reason or another, 333 of them
contain "Redhat" in the body of the message, while another 74 contain "Red Hat".
I don't recall anyone ever getting their typing fingers slapped.

P. Larry Nelson (217-244-9855) | Systems/Network Administrator
461 Loomis Lab                 | High Energy Physics Group
1110 W. Green St., Urbana, IL  | Physics Dept., Univ. of Ill.
MailTo:[log in to unmask]        | http://www.roadkill.com/lnelson/
  "Information without accountability is just noise."  - P.L. Nelson