On Wed, 13 Jun 2012, P. Larry Nelson wrote:

> zxq9 wrote on 6/13/2012 12:32 AM:
>> On 06/13/2012 06:44 AM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
>>> (On this list, are we really required to say "TUV" instead of "***censored***",
>>> as if we were playing a 1984 double-speak live action game?)
>> Yes, because lawyers have made even casual conversation a legal minefield for
>> reasons other than getting disappeared by the Thought Police.
>> Pretty much anything trademarked, burdened by customer guarantees of any sort,
>> or otherwise encumbered in any way should be referred to obliquely on this list.
>> This sounds silly, I know, but the reason is that the labs who support this
>> project don't have the bandwidth or the desire to even open a conversation about
>> how to open a proper, legal, trade protections unencumbered conversation, and to
>> that end terms like "TUV" are used around here.
>> Not that TUV is a bad player -- *far* from it -- but why even open the door in
>> case the wind starts blowing the other way?
> Could someone who maintains this list (Connie? Pat?) please confirm or deny
> this seemingly absurd policy!
> I have not searched the archives of this list, but of the 1824 messages I
> have saved locally over the years, for one reason or another, 333 of them
> contain "Redhat" in the body of the message, while another 74 contain "Red Hat".
> I don't recall anyone ever getting their typing fingers slapped.
> Thanks!

We do not have a policy that states that we must use TUV vs RedHat .  We 
use TUV instead of "RedHat" to emphasize that SL support is not provided 
by RedHat.  Of course the context should make things clear but sometimes 
context can be read multiple ways.

RedHat is an absolute leader in the open source community .

-Connie Sieh