On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Christopher Tooley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
On 2012-05-08, at 12:12 PM, Tam Nguyen wrote:

I think this is what you're looking for:

For a bit further clarification for Bob:

Just in case you didn't know, CentOS and Scientific Linux are both based off of the same open source operating system, provided by a vendor which shall remain nameless (Rhymes with Ned Spat). So a lot of advice that people give for CentOS can apply for Scientific Linux and vice versa. ;)

The compiz control panel is ccsm (Compiz Config Settings Manager), try using YUM to figure out where that comes from:
It's avails from EPEL. I found this at http://rpm.pbone.net,, which is my friend for finding obscure components. By going to the advanced selections, picking only Scientific Linux 6, and looking for "ccsm", it's listed very clearly.
The EPEL repository is easy enabled for Scientific Linux by installing the "epel-release" package, or the "yum-conf-epel" package. The fact that Scientific Linux includes these tools as part of their basic distribution, added to the packages from our favorite upsteam vendor, is one reason I really like Scientific Linux. It saves me considerable work managing machines that may need tools (like ccms) that are backported from Fedora or other sources.
# yum provides */ccsm
(I don't think it's on the standard repos)

Try also:
# yum search compiz

There is an "alt" repo which you can install: rpmforge

You can install this repo with yum:

#yum install yum-conf-rpmforge

There are a number of extra packages on there - hope this helps!
