On 13/01/12 03:29, zxq9 wrote:
> I've had consistent problems with rpc.gssd segfaulting with krb5 NFS
> mounts ever since 6.1 came out --

Yes; this is why my systems have stayed at 6.0.

> actually, I haven't been able to find any way to use krb5-required
> NFS mounts at all since then (including with my own builds, though I
> didn't spent a lot of time on it yet -- maybe next week). I haven't
> had any trouble so long as krb5 wasn't required, so NFS has always
> been usable, just not done properly with Kerberos. (q.q)
> Are you saying that you can mount krb5 NFS with the 1.2.3-15
> rebuild?

My experience so far:

1.2.2-7 (SL6.0) works
1.2.3-7 (SL6.1 release) - broken (rpcgssd segafaulting) [1,2]
1.2.3-15 (SL6.0/6.1 updates, original SL6 build) - broken
1.2.3-15 (SL6.0/6.1 updates, rebuild) - working
1.2.3-15.el6.0.sl6 - broken (rpcgssd segfaulting)

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=720479
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=722616

I should add that my observation of 1.2.3-15.el6.0.sl6 segfaulting was 
during a period when I was also hitting a problem (described in another 
thread) with autofs + openldap updated packages being incompatible. I'll 
do some more testing of 1.2.3-15.el6.0.sl6 today.
