
Having previously been a long time user of CentOS 5.x,  I have become 
accustomed to having daily emails sent to root from crond detailing package 
updates, disk usage, ssh logins/failures, etc. These emails were very 
useful, and re-assuring. I'm guessing I would have received the same emails 
if I had been using SL 5.x. I didn't have to do anything to set this up 
other than have crond running.

I have now migrated to SL 6.1 but these emails are now not sent to root. Is 
there some way of starting this?

I have crond running and postfix appears to be working fine; I can 
send/receive emails to/from root and other users.

Interestingly, root does receive an email from YUM if a new package is 

Any help would be appreciated.

