On 08/30/2011 08:13 AM, Steven Haigh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm wondering if there are any official ways to report bugs with SL?
> I'd love to get involved in this and assist in at least the
> administration side of things - even if I can't help diagnose and fix bugs.
> Is there a SL bugzilla or similar to report issues on? I'd certainly
> like to see whats happening with the installation DVDs requiring a
> working network connection - something thats almost worthwhile
> re-spinning the DVDs for...
Hello Steven,

For SL specific bugs, this list is typically the first stop.  If you've 
found a bug in software from TUV, its best to note it on their bugzilla 
( https://bugzilla.redhat.com/ ).  We typically suggest not making 
references to Scientific Linux on their site as rebuilds are a somewhat 
sore subject for them with what Oracle has been doing.

On the whole, if your unsure if it is SL or TUV, this list is full of 
people who simply want to see Linux run beautifully and can, hopefully, 
point you in the right direction.
