
Based on SL6.1. Beta 2 first testing releases of LiveCD, LiveMiniCD and LiveDVD
for 32-bit and 64-bit are available:


Changes since SL60 LiveCD:

* Software is based on SL6.1. Beta 2

* Build with livecd-tools-13.3

* Extra software (not included in standard SL) is now taken from
   a new repository called livecd-extra (this is a test !!!)
- URL: http://www.livecd.ethz.ch/download/livecd-extra/6
- repository should be always up-to-date
- yum config files are in yum-conf-livecd-extra, livecd-extra-release rpms
- fuse-ntfs-3g replaced with ntfs-3g
- progsreiserfs removed
- testdisk removed (which broke some update)

* Add gstreamer-ffmpeg from rpmforge (allow playing mp3 and more)

* icewm removed from LiveCD to save diskspace. icewm still on LiveMiniCD

* Remove the following rpms on LiveCD to save diskspace:
   autofs, cjkuni-fonts-common, cjkuni-uming-fonts, giflib, glib, gpm-libs,
   gtk+, hesiod, ibus-hangul, icewm, imlib, libcgroup, libewf, libhangul,
   libXaw, libXpm, nano, perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5, perl-Digest-SHA1, pinentry-gtk,
   pinfo, progsreiserfs, redhat-lsb-graphics, seahorse, smartmontools,
   testdisk, vim-common, vim-enhanced, words, xterm

* Rename livecd user from "sluser" to "liveuser"

* Boot parameter xdriver= should now work (not tested)

* Boot with "Basic video" will select vesa driver

Feedback is very welcome
