Hi, I'm also new to SL, have it on my laptop and intend to install it on my desktop for virtualization. I'm a little confused by GParted not being talked about here. It installed with the live cd image on my laptop, and I'm used to resizing partitions with that, wouldn't it work on SL?

2011/5/22 <[log in to unmask]>
jonathan writes:

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On Thu, 2011-05-19 at 13:20 +0100, Ritesh Sugandhi wrote:
Dear Sir,

I am new to Scientific linux. I installed Scientific linux-6 ( 64 bit version) on my laptop . It created two logical volume and mounted them on /root and /home . I wanted to resize the volume and free some space.

Any suggestion on how I can do it ?

Best Regards,


Alternatively i would think you would be able to use the GUI tool System > Administration > Logical Volume Management. (system-config-lvm). The only problem i would think is that the drives need to be unmounted, so might need to use a live CD.


Why unmount the drives? I just did a lvextend and resize4fs live a couple of days ago, no problems, no downtime. Did I mention I love lvm and ext4? :)

And anyway, that was on EL5, I'd expect it to go even smoothier on v6.
