On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Braja Kishore Chattaraj <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
One difference I notice is your link points to http://ftp..... while the one I used through the SL website points to http://ftp1..... website. Those are probably 2 separate servers.

Though, I believe the files on the mirrors are identical. But who knows..
Sure, I didn't tried from "ftp1.", but I can confirm that files from "ftp." are ok.


What utility did you use to compute the checksum of the ISO files?

There are 'sha1sum' for sha1 and 'sha256sum' for sha256 algorithms, of course.

You have to download 'SHA1SUM' and 'SHA256SUM' files from the same directory with ISOs, and then you may check the integrity with the following commands:
  $ sha1sum -c SHA1SUM
  $ sha256sum -c SHA256SUM

(you should see positive checking results with the files you have downloaded.)

wbr, Denis.