On 05/31/2011 09:17 AM, Marc Muehlfeld wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently trying SL6 with postfix for local mail delivery (no "real" mail
> server).
> But I am wondering, why the sender is always "[log in to unmask]"? In
> /etc/postfix/main.cf is everything on it's default. "myhostname" is not set,
> what should postfix make getting the hostname via gethostname() as written in
> the comments.
> A hostname and search domain is configured for the system:
> # hostname -f
> vm01.test.local
> I know, I can set "myhostname", but why isn't postfix getting this by itself?
> Regards,
> Marc

If I were to hazard a guess, I would suspect that /etc/hosts is to blame 
here.  If your hostname is on the line, then I've periodically 
seen things get a bit wonky.  I'd be curious what /etc/hosts looks like, 
as well as, postconf -d |grep my and seeing how those match up.
