On 05/26/2011 04:03 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> On 05/26/2011 04:02 PM, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
>> On 05/26/2011 12:18 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>>> It has just been pushed to epel-testing. Please give feedback it you 
>>> try it
>>> out. You can do:
>>> yum --enablerepo=epel-testing groupinstall xfce-desktop
>>> to install the base set.
>> Very cool! Thank you! Anxiously awaiting 64 bit RPMs.
>> -T
> You don't need to wait.  They are there.  (This is EPEL)
Thank you very much Orion. I installed the x86_64 packages early this 
morning and so far have an uptime of 15.5 hours running xfce 4.8 with no 
issues (except for conky disappearing, but it's always tricky to get 
conky displaying correctly with the different desktops). Is there a 
place we can be putting in feedback, other than on this list?
Thanks very much again for your work and Best Regards,