On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 5:42 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> That said, over in CentOS, they used to publish kernels with the
> modules built-in as part of the "centosplus" repository. It's a single
> flag difference in the kernel configuraiton files: you could grab the
> SRPM, edit the flags appropriately, and build the kernels for testing.

CentOSPlus kernel used to, yes. But not any more. The source code for
the NTFS module in the RH kernel is broken and would not compile as of
CentOS 5.3. Since then, NTFS has been disabled in the cplus kernel.
For more details, see:


I have not tested whether the code is fixed in EL6. At any rate, I
recommend use of ntfs-3g (or fuse-ntfs-3g from RPMforge).
