On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Braja Kishore Chattaraj <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> One difference I notice is your link points to http://ftp..... while the
> one I used through the SL website points to http://ftp1..... website.
> Those are probably 2 separate servers.

Though, I believe the files on the mirrors are identical. But who knows..
Sure, I didn't tried from "ftp1.", but I can confirm that files from "ftp."
are ok.

> What utility did you use to compute the checksum of the ISO files?
There are *'sha1sum'* for sha1 and* 'sha256sum'* for sha256 algorithms, of

You have to download* 'SHA1SUM' *and *'SHA256SUM'* files from the same
directory with ISOs, and then you may check the integrity with the following
 * *$ sha1sum -c SHA1SUM
  $ sha256sum -c SHA256SUM

(you should see positive checking results with the files you have

wbr, Denis.