On May 14, 2011 1:36 PM, "Matthew Chan" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes, there's an error being caused with epel. Manual intervention is
> EPEL will try to update ntfsprogs to 2.0, but because testdisk requires
the libntfs.so.9 shared lib, and the EPEL build of ntfsprogs doesn't have
it, the upgrade fails.
> You can work around it by using --skip-broken, but that's not really a
great solution.
> For the 6.1 livecd release, I wouldn't mind having useful software (like
testdisk etc) on the livecd either, but I'm worried that users may be
unaware of these non-repo packages and then install the livecd like I did.
It can be a security problem if a vulnerability is discovered in a package
later on, since the package will almost never be updated. For packages like
testdisk it's probably not a problem, but we also have packages like openVPN
in the extras repo.
> Would it be a problem to disable the install ability of the liveCD?
> Matt

I absolutely wouldn't go that route.  The manual intervention required is
minimal.  Changing the packages and leaving things as they are would be
better/easier imo.