On 04/14/2011 04:04 AM, Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Apr 2011, Sébastien Bardeau wrote:
>> Dear Troy,
>> On 04/13/2011 03:29 PM, Troy Dawson wrote:
>>> On 04/13/2011 06:53 AM, Sébastien Bardeau wrote:
>>>>     Dear SL developers,
>>>> how can I request an update of one of the libraries available in the
>>>> Scientific Linux distribution and thus in the repositories?
>>>> I work under Scientific Linux 5.5 but am not administrator of the
>>>> system. His policy is that the system must match exactly the official
>>>> distribution. I encounter an annoying bug in gtk+. The current version
>>>> available under SL5.5 is 2.10.4, while I know for example that the bug
>>>> has been fixed in 2.10.8 at least. Is it possible to update the micro
>>>> number (i.e. bug fixes only) of the gtk+ libraries to 2.10.8 or even
>>>> better to latest stable 2.10.14? Or should I first make the same request
>>>> to RedHat 5.5, and you will then include it automatically?
>>>> Thanks for your help,
>>>> Sebastien Bardeau
>>> You should make the request to RedHat, and we will include in
>>> automatically.
>> This makes sense. However, at which time scale the merge occurs? For example
>> this bug in GTK+: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=648555 has been
>> fixed since 5 months in gtk2-2.10.4-21.el5_5.1 (so obviously in EL5.5), while
> gtk2-2.10.4-21.el5_5.6.i386.rpm and
> gtk2-2.10.4-21.el5_5.6.x86_64.rpm
> are in 55/{arch}/updates/fastbugs
> and 5rolling

The command to get it updated would be

   yum --enablerepo=sl-fastbugs update gtk2\*

Troy Dawson  [log in to unmask]  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/SCF/FEF/SLSMS Group