"Robert P. J. Day" <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>   thanks for any suggestions.

Version control (git, hg, svn, cvs).  With the short time you have, the
students can at least learn such things exist and their concepts, if not
maybe time for a lot of hands-on use.

A section on "Driving Bash" would be useful where you can teach the
tricks of how to effectively use the command line.  Although a lot of
that isn't appreciated until one slogs through without them.  Some
examples: pushd/popd and "cd -" to reuse previous jumps, setting the
prompt to know where you are.  Maybe some basic scripting.  It could
contain a "Training your Fingers" section: C-r searching and C-p/C-n
browsing of command history. M-/ completion, TAB completion,
C-a/C-k/C-y/C-e/M-f/M-b/M-d dorking about with the current command line.
M-. insertion of last word of last command.  That kind of stuff.
