On Wed, 2 Mar 2011 18:11:37 +0000, Underwood, Jonathan 
> Actually, further probing reveals that the package sl-release is missin
> from the cobbler mirror of the SL repo, but IS present on the SL
> repository. So, the question then becomes why did cobbler mirror the wh
> repo except for that file... I am not sure of the cobbler mirroring 
> internals, but I wonder if the repodata is out of sync with the reposit
> contents somehow?

Sorry to reply to myself again, but it seems that this file is missing fr
the cobbler mirror of x86_64 but not i386. The cobbler mirror is created
using rsync, and so I wonder if this is another manifestation of the prob
with hardlinked files that Hubert previously uncovered. 

Cobbler only uses the -a rsync flag when creating, which does not use -H
(which would preserve hardlinks). I haven't yet worked out if this is a b
with cobbler, or a problem with the SL repos...?
