The first alpha release for Scientific Linux 4.9 has been released.

This release has all the new updated packages from The Upstream Vendors
Update 9, as well as most security and fastbugs up to last friday.

It will install, and it appears to work, but no major testing has been

You can only do a network install.  We do not have CD or DVD images.


- All updated packages were successfully recompiled.
- kernel updated to kernel 2.6.9-100.EL
- openafs has been updated to openafs 1.4.14
- The yum configurations have been changed to point to 40rolling

Alpha 2 or Beta 1
We currently do not have a date for the next Alpha or Beta release.
The development team will be concentrating on SL 5.6.  After SL 5.6 is 
finished we will turn our concentration to SL 4.9.

The Scientific Linux Development Team