The first alpha release for Scientific Linux 5.6 has been released.

This release has all the new updated packages from The Upstream Vendors
Update 6, as well as most security and fastbugs up to today.

It will install, and it appears to work, but no major testing has been

You can only do a network install.  We do not have CD or DVD images.



KNOWN Issues
- The installer is from SL 5.5, including the kernel
-- If SL 5.5 didn't install on a machine, neither will the alpha
-- None of the 5.6 installer features are available
- This will be fixed in later releases.

Packages not compiled yet.
- sblim
- openjdk

Alpha 2
Alpha 2 is expected in two weeks, February 15, 2011
- We should have all the packages built by then
- Hopefully the new installer, with the new kernel

The Scientific Linux Development Team