On 02/09/2011 01:26 PM, patrickm wrote:
>   On Fri, 04 Feb 2011 16:23:18 -0600, Troy Dawson<[log in to unmask]>
>   wrote:
>> We also need to discuss what needs to be done before moving to
>> Release Candidate phase and releasing.
>   Just some thoughts that come into mind... How far do you feel the
>   process has come? Is the beta next friday the last one and can we expect
>   a Release Candidate next week? How many RCs did you have in mind? What
>   will come first, SL5.6 or SL6.0? Are there no-go's that prevent you from
>   releasing SL6.0? Too many questions to answer I'm sure ;-)
>   Regards,
>   Patrick

That is a very good question, and I think at this point in the game we 
can start to nail down dates and time periods.
I believe this upcoming Beta will be our last beta.
Using our original guidelines I think we have put in all the features 
and programs that we intended to.

Here is my ruff schedule.  Please don't hold me to any of these dates, 
because in the end "We'll release it when it's ready"

Beta 3 - February 11, 2011
- updated livecd-tools, liveusb-creator
- openafs-firstboot fixed
- kdemenu fixed
- report fixed.

RC 1 - February 18, 2011
- All features or programs in release.
- All bugs of previous week fixed.
- Move all references of 6rolling to 6.0

RC 2 - February 25, 2011
- All bugs of previous week fixed.
- Documentation

RC 2.5 - Sometime in the first week of March, 2011
- This is really the release, down to the documentation.
- If there is no further bugs, RC 2.5 images are declared the official 
release images.
- If there is a show stopping bug, we will have a RC 2.75

Release - A day or two after RC 2.5 - Hopefully in the first week of March.

Note1: yum-cron is not in the release.  I had been asked by several 
people to put yum-cron in the release.  And I originally intended to do 
that.  But then as I went back and read the emails, and none of them 
agreed on the version of yum-cron.  So I did not put yum-cron in the 
release.  But I did make yum-autoupdate easy to remove and/or configure. 
  So people can put in their own yum update scheme without the hassle 
that was in SL5.

Note2: Several people have commented that we haven't pulled all the 
RedHat references out of the release.  Many are concerned about the 
legality of this.  We have removed all trademarks and tradedress that we 
legally have to.  We have also done our best to change everyday programs 
that reference redhat, such as bookmarks, default browser pages, and the 
web server.
But we do not get fanatical about this.  We are a derivative of RedHat. 
  There are times that Red Hat's name is going to pop up.  If it's 
really obnoxious, let us know and we'll deal with it on a case by case 
basis.  But don't worry about the legality.  We have changed all that we 
legally must, and more.

Troy Dawson  [log in to unmask]  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/SCF/FEF/SLSMS Group