On 02/04/2011 04:23 PM, Troy Dawson wrote:
> Hello,
> This week there just has not been enough time to get a beta out for SL6
> this week. But we are planning on releasing one next Friday, February
> 11, 2011.
> What are we expecting for next week.
> - updated livecd-tools, liveusb-creator
> - openafs-firstboot fixed
> - kdemenu fixed
> - report (the package) possibly fixed.

I would suggest just doing the trivial thing for report, and modifying 
the spec or sources such that the RHEL file is just not included. 
Whether you want to get fancy and add an ftp dropbox config or more 
later should IMHO be handled seperately from the simple branding fix.

Likewise, as mentioned offlist, the xorg thing is a real issue, as I 
found it originally from X's output after a crash, and later narrowed my 
search for the issue by grepping for www.redhat.com/apps/support in all 
files and finding it in the Xorg binary itself.  It also should be a 
trivial fix, just replacing that section of the specfile with an sl url 
and string.  Later, if you want to get fancy you can maybe add a third 
conditional for sl (vs rhel/fedora), but it seems best to do the trivial 
fix asap for legal reasons.

