Hi Peter,

On 01/25/2011 06:39 PM, Peter Waller wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite"> Hi All,

I would like to know how difficult it is for the following to happen.

* Is it possible to update git to a more recent version?
If The Upstream Vendor does so, we will certainly follow suite.

The policy is to stay as far as possible with what TUV provides. Providing other versions than TUV means that we have to assure that we  compatibility with other packages in the distribution and integrate security updates ourselves.  That is a significant amount of work, so there have to be very good arguments for deviating from what TUV provides.
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
* Secondly, there is a very neat tool called gitg which would be valuable to have available in SLC for collaborating on code with git. More information can be found here: http://trac.novowork.com/gitg/

The fact that a neat tool exist is not yet a sufficient reason for putting it into the distribution. Someone has to package the stuff, make sure it is compatible and assure that bugfixes and security updates are being applied. That is a significant amount of work, so there have to be very good arguments for including a package. If your experiment relies on this tool the experiment representatives should bring this forward.
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">

Thanks in advance,

- Peter


I was having a look for an online list of packages included in SLC, but couldn't find it nor understand what I did find. I found this (http://linuxsoft.cern.ch/) page which claims to have a browsable package repository, but I couldn't figure out how to navigate it in order to find out about the packages I'm asking about in this email.

There are quite a few repositories to scan, and there was a problem with the URL for the EPEL 5 repos, this is probably why you did not find a trace of git.
