Greetings all.

I noticed these messages yesterday after returning home from work where 
my SL-6_x86-64 install had just failed.

I decided to try repo switches and minimal installs.

Whatever you guys did to this install DVD set, it doesn't even make it 
past the first package if the setup requires catapi.

Did you guys test these dvds at all before making them available on the 
21-JAN-2011 date? (where this dvd was downloaded)

I haven't seen any update information on this issue so I would like to 
know what I should do to further investigate, or when you will make a 
new set of x86_64 iso since this absolutely seems like a media issue.

I ended up installing pcbsd-8.2 on this system but I really wanted to 
use Scientific Linux 6 since the clusters and everything is run in 
linux.  I am about to start doing MPI/GPU research and I would really 
like to test out the SL-6 distribution. (Mostly because I would imagine 
that if it works for DoE then it probably works for my needs as well.)


Martes G Wigglesworth
M. G. Wigglesworth Holdings, LLC