On 25 January 2011 19:59, g <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> it seems that you are asking a *scientific linux* list that is at *
> fnai.gov*.
> yet, you are referencing to *scientific linux cern*, which is similar,
> tho not the same.
> http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/ is for *scientific linux cern*.
> for support, see http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/support/

Ah, apologies. I was lead to believe that they were more strongly coupled
than they are by the SL homepage:

"SL is a Linux release put together by Fermilab, CERN, and various other
labs and universities around the world. Its primary purpose is to reduce
duplicated effort of the labs, and to have a common install base for the
various experimenters."

Obviously, the "C" in SLC is more important than I realised.

Thanks for the clear response,

- Peter