Re the sound problem, I just recalled that aunix has some extra controls
labelled Igain and Ogain as well as Pcm. One of these other two also
affects the sound volume - used to use aumix years back. It's a simple
app and running an old version may work if there isn't one in the repo
or it will probably compile without too much trouble.


On Wed, 2011-01-05 at 09:28 -0600, Troy Dawson wrote:
> john h outlan wrote:
> > I use linux in a work environment, mainly for data security reasons.  
> > I've used Linux since around 1997 or so.
> > 
> > Question:  I need to have sound functioning for work.  After a HD 
> > install, I get sound on SL6, but at a very low volume.  No userspace 
> > adjustments will change it such as setting PCM all the way up, etc.
> > Does anyone have a clue about this and what to do about it?  I've 
> > noticed this behaviour on a couple of other distro's, but not all of 
> > them.  I'm using Debian Squeeze right now and sound is
> > fine, but I want to change it out for SL.
> > 
> > Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> > 
> Hi John,
> Did you do a full desktop install or a minimal desktop install?
> I noticed that when I did a minimal desktop install that alot of tools I 
> usually use are missing.  This is on purpose of course, but I was still 
> surprised.
> I've only tried the sound on one machine thus far.  I was in gnome, and 
> I was able to raise and lower the volume using the normal user graphical 
> tools.
> What "userland tools" are you using?
> Troy