Synopsis:	Important: sudo security update
Issue date:	2010-02-26
CVE Names:	CVE-2010-0426 CVE-2010-0427

CVE-2010-0426 sudo: sudoedit option can possibly allow for arbitrary 
code execution
CVE-2010-0427 sudo: Fails to reset group permissions if runas_default set

A privilege escalation flaw was found in the way sudo handled the 
sudoedit pseudo-command. If a local user were authorized by the sudoers 
file to use this pseudo-command, they could possibly leverage this flaw 
to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the root user. 

The sudo utility did not properly initialize supplementary groups when 
the "runas_default" option (in the sudoers file) was used. If a local 
user were authorized by the sudoers file to perform their sudo commands 
under the account specified with "runas_default", they would receive the 
root user's supplementary groups instead of those of the intended target 
user, giving them unintended privileges. (CVE-2010-0427)

SL 5.x


-Connie Sieh
-Troy Dawson