Howard, Chris wrote:
> When I try to burn this one, my burner says it is a DVD image.
> I think that is because it is too big to fit.  My blank
> CD says it will hold 707 MB.
> If I buy a different kind of blank CD's will that possibly
> work?

Hi Chris,

That's strange. If I download SL.53.031909.CD.i386.disc7.iso from I get an
iso file which is 697MB. This should fit on a 700MB CD. Have you checked
the md5sum of your downloaded iso file?

# wget

# du -csh SL.53.031909.CD.i386.disc7.iso
697M    SL.53.031909.CD.i386.disc7.iso
697M    total

# md5sum SL.53.031909.CD.i386.disc7.iso
e6808afa7cd3bdf048b6a0bcdda25088  SL.53.031909.CD.i386.disc7.iso

