On 10/1/09 5:18 PM, [log in to unmask] wrote:
> I like number 9 - though Tux has an expreession that I can't quite
> define (other than cross-eyed!).  Needs the extra electron though.
That expression is WTF? Who loaded Vista on this system? :)
(I'm kidding, not trying to ignite a religious war.)
Whomever did it did a nice job though! (He does look cross eyed.)

Entry #7 isn't published fully, we can't get at it properly.

I think:
#7 has some symmetry that catches my eye for some reason.
#1 Is growing on me a bit.

And special cases:
#9 is good for a small icon.
#8 (a & b) are nice for small icons too, not for larger splash screens, etc.

    <<  MCT>>    Michael C Tiernan.
    MIT - Laboratory for Nuclear Science - http://www.lns.mit.edu