Hi all,

we are using XFS with project quota enabled on our NFS server. Server and clients are running SL52, NFS version is 3.

When a user overruns the project quota while copying data from an NFS client, the server and client become very unresponsive. On the server, one NFS thread per core is stuck in uninterruptible (D) state with a load of 1. I could not get any information from the stuck threads. The WCHAN column contains only a "-".

The only solution to decrease the load, is to reboot the client. Any other method I tried (restarting NFS service, restarting network on client and/or server) did not help. This does not seem to be a hardware issue, as the problem could be easily reproduced on other server/client hardware.

The XFS mount options are rw,noatime,nodiratime,pquota,attr2,nobarrier,largeio,ikeep,logbufs=4,swalloc.
The NFS mount options are intr,hard,vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768

Are there any ideas, how to debug this? Anyone having the same issue? Any help is highly appreciated.

Best Regards,