Steven Timm wrote:
> There's a new errata kernel (2.6.18-164) from RedHat which appears to come
> only with RHEL5/update 4.  Presumably that will be available
> whenever SL5.4 is released, is that correct?  And what then is
> the schedule to back-port it to the earlier SL5's?

For from email sent to scientific-linux-users with the subject
"SL 5.4 Questions and Answers"

Q: Will you be releasing the "security" kernel (2.6.18-164.el) that came
out with RHEL 5.4 as a security kernel for the rest of SL 5?
A: No.
RedHat had just released a security kernel before 5.4 was released.
This earlier security kernel addressed the worst security issues.
The first kernel after a minor update tends to do bad things to the
older releases, such as SL 5.0.  So we will wait for the next security
kernel, which will also hopefully have the major bugs shaken out.
BUT, we reserve the right to change our mind on this.

Troy Dawson  [log in to unmask]  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LCSI/CSI LMSS Group