On Mon, 29 Jun 2009, Troy Dawson wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been wanting to update the kernel-module plugin for yum on SL5. I have 
> it all ready in the testing area, and it does work so much better than the 
> previous kernel module plugin.
> The problem is that it does not backport very well to yum 3.0 which is on SL 
> 5.0 and 5.1.  To keep things short there is a bug in yum 3.0 (and 2.4) that 
> prevents the plugin's from fixing up dependancies when yum gets them wrong. 
> This bug is fixed in yum 3.2 (which is what is in SL 5.2 and 5.3)
> So why would I worry about upgrading the old yum?
> Because along with bug fixes, there is a couple of feature changes.  The 
> biggest change is that yum 3.2 automatically has the installonlyn feature. 
> This only keeps 'n' kernels on your machine.
> This works pretty good and I think many people will think it's great. But I 
> don't know if everyone is going to like it, and they might be surprised by 
> it.
> Anyway, I need opinions.  Should I push the newer yum out to all of SL5?  Or 
> should I just push it out to SL 5.2 and 5.3?

I like the installonlyn feature, provided that the default number of kernels
is not too low.   I think 3 kernels, for example, is too low, but people
will have different opinions.  If it could be installed with a good default
so that people don't have to change their configuration then it would probably
be welcomed.  Is this the one where you put an option like this in
  # Default # of kernels to keep.
  installonly_limit = 5

cheers, etc.
deatrich @ triumf.ca, Science/Atlas         PH: +1 604-222-7665
<*> This moment's fortune cookie:
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              -- Larry Wall