Thanks for your e-mail. Here are my details using the commands you used:

> $ rpm -qa \*skype\*
> skype-
> $ rpm -qa \*alsa\*
> alsa-lib-1.0.14-1.rc4.el5.i386
> alsa-lib-devel-1.0.14-1.rc4.el5.x86_64
> alsa-utils-1.0.14-3.rc4.el5.x86_64
> alsa-lib-1.0.14-1.rc4.el5.x86_64

As you can see, I do not have the pulse audio plugin like you do. I did
a repo search and there are no pulse audio rpm files available for
Scientific Linux. Unless I'm doing something wrong.

> $ yum search pulse
> Loading "kernel-module" plugin
> No Matches found

Is pulse audio supported by Scientific Linux? Maybe there is a CentOS
rpm file I could use?


yum search pulse
On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 01:34 -0700, suvayu ali wrote:
> The skype binaries are 32-bit where as your system is 64-bit like
> mine. (I know its fedora, but its close enough to SL for this) While
> setting up skype for my system after considerable struggle I finally
> got it all working the dirty way, installing the 32-bit libraries.
> rpm -qa \*skype\*
> skype-
> rpm -qa \*alsa\*
> alsa-plugins-pulseaudio-1.0.18-2.fc10.x86_64
> alsa-lib-1.0.20-1.fc10.x86_64
> alsa-lib-devel-1.0.20-1.fc10.x86_64
> alsa-lib-1.0.20-1.fc10.i386
> alsa-utils-1.0.20-2.fc10.x86_64
> alsa-plugins-pulseaudio-1.0.18-2.fc10.i386
Craig Moore
PhD Student
Ghent University
ELIS Department
St. Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B-9000 Gent
+32 9 264 34 08
fax: +32 9 264 35 94
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