> I have done so with CentOS in the past. The main issue is that Cobbler
> works best when you mirror a version-architecture tree (as in 5.2/i386
> 5.2/x86_64 4.7/etc.) Trying to mirror ALL of XYZ Linux in one set does
> not work well. I found that out the hard way.. Personally I just set
> it up to mirror a tree for CentOS and had a cron job that updated the
> updates.

I have been investigating this most of the morning and I am now leaning 
toward mirroring the distribution externally.

A few more questions:

Do I need to recreate the "repodata" directories?

Are the packages in the "contrib" directory ever updated? Or more to the 
point, is there any content other than the "updates" directory that 
isn't static from one release to the next?

Do you mirror the "5x" tree or a specific version?

