Why, what is your threat model that you have to do this?

Michael Mansour wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a way to setup the chroot for SSH users, into their home
> directories.
> Do people do this with SL5?
> I've looked at the latest OpenSSH which does do this, but requires separate
> compilation. I'd rather try and find pre-built RPM's of the latest OpenSSH.
> Any advice is appreciated.
> Michael.


Please sign my petition:

Faye Gibbins, Computing Officer (Infrastructure Services)
      GeoS KB; Linux, Unix, Security and Networks.
Beekeeper  - The Apiary Project, KB -   www.bees.ed.ac.uk

   I grabbed at spannungsbogen before I knew I wanted it.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body,
registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.