March 16, 2009
The 2.5 release candidate for Scientific Linux 5.3 i386 has been
released for both i386 and x86_64.

CD and DVD images are either up there, or on their way.

Release Candidate 2.5 is basically the final release and will only be 
changed if something critical or major happens.  We hope to release it 
tomorrow, March 17, 2009

Everything has been synced over to the 53 area.  So you can do installs 
from there.


CHANGES by Scientific Linux
**    Updated CellServDB
**	openafs-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**	openafs-authlibs-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**	openafs-authlibs-devel-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**	openafs-client-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**	openafs-compat-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**	openafs-debug-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**	openafs-devel-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**	openafs-kernel-source-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**	openafs-kpasswd-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**	openafs-krb5-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**	openafs-server-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
** kernel-module-openafs-2.6.18-128.1.1.el5-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
** kernel-module-openafs-2.6.18-128.1.1.el5PAE-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
** kernel-module-openafs-2.6.18-128.1.1.el5xen-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.i686.rpm
**      openafs-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
**      openafs-authlibs-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
**      openafs-authlibs-devel-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
**      openafs-client-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
**      openafs-compat-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
**      openafs-debug-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
**      openafs-devel-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
**      openafs-kernel-source-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
**      openafs-kpasswd-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
**      openafs-krb5-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
**      openafs-server-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
** kernel-module-openafs-2.6.18-128.1.1.el5-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm
** kernel-module-openafs-2.6.18-128.1.1.el5xen-1.4.7-68.1.SL5.x86_64.rpm

We have also added the latest fastbugs and security updates up to March 
13, 2009.

**Yum Update
**When upgrading to SL 5.3 from an earlier version of SL 5, you need to
**update glibc first, and then update the rest of your system.
**  # yum update glibc
**  # yum update
**If you don't update glibc first, then you will continually get errors
**during your upgrade that say something similar to
**  rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument

**Graphical Desktop
**Some machines that use NVIDIA graphics cards may display corrupted
**graphics or fonts when using the graphical installer or during a
**graphical login. To work around this, switch to a virtual console
**and back to the original X host.

**Intel Wireless
**Due to outstanding driver issues with hardware encryption
**acceleration, users of Intel WiFi Link 4965, 5100, 5150, 5300, and
**5350 wireless cards are advised to disable hardware accelerated
**encryption using module parameters. Failure to do so may result in
**the inability to connect to Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protected
**wireless networks after connecting to WiFi Protected Access (WPA) 
**protected wireless networks.
**To do so, add the following options to /etc/modprobe.conf:
**  alias wlan0 iwlagn
**  options iwlagn swcrypto50=1 swcrypto=1
**(where wlan0 is the default interface name of the first Intel WiFi
**Link device)

**Removable Storage
**Removable storage devices (such as CDs and DVDs) do not automatically
**mount when you are logged in as root. As such, you will need to 
**manually mount the device through the graphical file manager.
**Alternatively, you can run the following command to mount a device
**to /media:
**  mount /dev/[device name] /media