Yep crashes my X session.

Firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-GB; rv: 
Gecko/2009020406 Red Hat/3.0.6-1.el5 Firefox/3.0.6

firefox-3.0.6-1.el5 on SL

Gasser Marc wrote:
> Hello SL users,
> Can anyone reproduce the X server crash with firefox-3.0.5-1 when following
> the link below on a SL46 or SL51 system?
> If yes, any ideas?
> Konqueror for instance works fine on the same systems.
> Best regards
> Marc


Please sign my petition:

Faye Gibbins, Computing Officer (Infrastructure Services)
      GeoS KB; Linux, Unix, Security and Networks.
Beekeeper  - The Apiary Project, KB -

   I grabbed at spannungsbogen before I knew I wanted it.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body,
registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.