On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Ken Teh wrote:

> Excellent!  Thank you very much Akemi.  I was browsing through the spec file 
> and encountered all those sections that you wrote up in the wiki.  I did not 
> wish to dig through all those details to figure out how to spec file works. 
> Your recipe is exactly what I need!  Thanks!
> A short followup:  You have a warning at the beginning of the wiki that it is 
> almost not necessary to build a custom kernel.  My problem is that I need a 
> kernel that's able to mount a squashfs fs on a loop device during boot-up. 
> The standard kernel has both squashfs and loop as .ko.  I believe I need them 
> built-in.  If I'm wrong, please advise.

Do you think that ext3 (or ahci, libata etc) is built-in to any modern sl 

If you didn't already know the initrd contains all the kernel modules 
which are needed to get you into a state where the root fs can be mounted.

Normally mkinitrd (which is run during a kernel install) will attempt to 
work out which modules are needed - e.g. hardware drivers for scsi, sata 
etc, as well as any filesystem modules.

If you manually call mkinitrd you can specify extra modules on the 
command-line which will be fine until you next do a kernel upgrade.

Probably best to look at the mkinitrd man page (and code) to find the 
simplest way for what you need).  Of course that will be easy compared to 
getting the initrd to actually mount your squashfs as / (if you don't 
need it to be / then it could be mounted after the real / is available)...

> Thanks again!
> Ken

  -- Jon