> [...]

> Yes, this must be the kernel / firmware issue.  On my laptop, wireless
> failed as well.  It apparently identified the hardware (4965) and
> loaded the right driver (iwlagn).  This laptop currently runs SL-5 and
> the wireless works fine with the iwl4965 module.

I'm a bit confused. As far as I see iwlagn needs firmware iwlwifi-4965-2.ucode (?)

# modinfo /lib/modules/2.6.18-128.el5/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwlagn.ko | grep firmware
firmware:       iwlwifi-4965-2.ucode

But we only have iwlwifi-4965.ucode in iwlwifi-4965-ucode-4.44.17-5.sl5

# rpm -ql iwlwifi-4965-ucode-4.44.17-5.sl5

Troy, shouldn't we add iwlwifi-4965-2.ucode to iwlwifi-4965-ucode-4.44.17-5.sl5?
Download it from Intel site:

Unfortunately, I don't have a iwl4965 hardware for testing.
