Jon Peatfield wrote:
> Looking more closely the problem seems to affect the sl52 boxes I can 
> look at but not sl50 or sl51 systems (as far as I can tell anyway).

We have some SL5.0 boxes that do not behave properly....

> Now I don't really understand why this wasn't needed in sl50/sl51,

... which would explain some of your puzzlement.

Your investigation suggests that the exact sequence in which things 
start is critical.  You have to start lockd but then not use it until it 
has been configured.  That's very fragile, but could easily survive a 
few rounds of testing - don't the awkward bugs always do that?

For now, I'm sticking with configuring  modprobe...

Shane Voss, Computing Officer, School of GeoSciences, University of 

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