On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Troy Dawson wrote:

> Hi Jon,
> You are indeed correct now that I look at things.
> We had the firefox and all it's dependencies in the testing area for a while, 
> and it looks like the nss and nspr were updated without the testing ones 
> being updated.
> I want to verify that this fixes the problem.  I am looking at the paypal 
> site, but I don't know where the "run by" message is.

It is hard to describe without images...  There is a picture for paypay 
doing this (on the right) at:


Attempting to describe this in words... if the background to the favicon 
near the url goes green and contains a company name then 'EV' is working. 
If you click on it you will see a box containing:

   You are connected to


   which is run by

     company name

   Verified by ...

If the site has no EV cert or it isn't working, then the background is 
blue and clicking on it shows:

   You are connected to


   which is run by


   verified by ...

e.g. look at https://lapserv.maths.cam.ac.uk/ (no EV cert since we arn't 
made of money), and compare the location-bar info/colour to that for 

If EV isn't working then both show the favicon on a blue background as if 
the cert didn't have the EV bits and the name of the company isn't shown.

  -- Jon