On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, Troy Dawson wrote:

> Scientific Linux "SL 5.2" Release Candidate 2.5 for i386 & x86_64 June 24, 
> 2008
> If there are no major bugs, or major errata from TUV, then this will be be 
> the actual release.  So please test this.

I know that the timing is always like this but the security update 
kernel-2.6.18-92.1.6.el5.src.rpm came out today...  I don't know if that 
counts as major enough though.

   433938 - CVE-2008-0598 kernel: linux x86_64 ia32 emulation leaks
     uninitialized data
   447389 - CVE-2008-2358 kernel: dccp: sanity check feature length
   451271 - CVE-2008-2729 kernel: [x86_64] The string instruction version
     didn't zero the output on exception.

Not listed as a 'bug fixed' but there is also a correction to gettimeofday 
to avoid time going backwards...

It sometimes feels like they *wait* for you to announce the final RC ;-)

  -- Jon