On Tue, 2008-03-18 at 10:12 -0700, Suneel Dutt wrote:
> Hi All,
>   I am novice to Linux installation kind of stuff and has installed on
> my Dell Inspiron-1525 laptop. 

You might find Ubuntu is closer to what you're looking for from a linux
distro for a new user.

> But I am facing a lot of problems with this Linux Version(May be I am
> not approaching the thing correctly). My first and the major problem
> is that I am not able to access Internet at all.  
>  I tried using ndiswarper but could not get away with it as it is
> complaining that the Kernel is not found. Also I tried to install the
> Linux version of the Ethernet Driver I am using in Windows Vista. I
> donot know how can I fix the problem. Also I tried to install ROOT on
> it  but could not succeed.
ndiswrapper is often not a great solution, in my opinion. 

A fedora user says he found a driver here:


Again, ubuntu does a reasonably good job of offering comprehensive
driver support out of the box, and if a better closed source driver is
available, it's typically in their restricted repositories.

There's also a reasonable how to for installing ROOT on Ubuntu:


If you're set on Scientific Linux for some reason, let us know and we
can try and work out a better solution than "use something else" ;)

> Kindly Guide me accordingly so that I can get rid of all these
> problems and enjoy using Scientific  Linux.
>  My system is a dual boot with Windows Vista where I am having Dell
> Wireless 1395 WLAN Mini-card and using Marvell Yukon 88E8040PCI-E-Fast
> Ethernet Controller card as t5he network adapters.
> Thanks a lot in advance  for any kind of help.
> With Regards
> Suneel