On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 10:48 -0500, Miles O'Neal wrote:
> Troy Dawson said...
> |
> |Niels Walet wrote:
> |> I hate replying to my own messages, but all indications are that redhat g
> |> ave
> |> up on having a CLI tool. The description found at
> |> http://cyberelk.net/tim/2007/05/04/what-happened-to-printconf-tui/ "argue
> |> s"
> |> the case for abandoning it. Not convinced I agree if these are networked
> |> printers, and I only want to install a few with the correct drivers. Of
> |> course we can install a print server, but why?
> |> I still would like to see a high quality script that does this job though
> |> !
> |> 
> |> Niels
> |
> |I am not a printer expert (which is why I haven't replied earlier) but can't 
> |you just take the configuration files in /etc/cups/ from the one machine that 
> |has them all, and just copy it to the other machine?
> You [potentially] need to change or copy over several files.
> cups/cupsd.conf
> cups/lpoptions
> cups/ppd/$PRINTER.ppd # for each PRINTER you care about
> cups/printers.conf
> We just keep a set of cups tarballs for each network
> that has different settings.  An rpm would of course
> work, also.
> If you want things identical, you can, indeed, just
> clone the /etc/cups/ tree.

We use an LCFG[1] CUPS[2] component to configure printers on our SL5

It uses 'lpadmin' to do the heavy lifting of configuring the CUPS
printer queues.  You might find something useful inside the code (shell



[1] <http://www.lcfg.org>
[2] <http://adelie.ucs.ed.ac.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/lcfg-cups/>

Desktop Services, IS, The University of Edinburgh